Saturday, October 15, 2011

Writing Tips

Writing is not always the easiest subject. For me, at one point, it was my worst subject. Looking back at my work in Elementary School, I can honestly say I was not that good. In fact, my writing was pretty horrible. Luckily, my 5th grade teacher is an amazing writer, and it was the year that I actually enjoyed letting the pencil dance across the page to create a paragraph. I'm not a pro at writing or anything now, but I'm 100 times better than I was through 2nd-4th grade. In school, I continue to learn different techniques that will make my essays, stories, and descriptions better. Right now, we are learning about "Brushstroke," there are four different types: Participle (pronounced as part-ic-ible), Appositive, Absolute, and Adjectives Shifted Out of Order (ASOOO). 

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